Fantastic day draws crowd

Archery, axe throwing and site tours were among the many attractions that drew more than 2,000 visitors to Padeswood cement plant’s most popular open day yet.

Jo Hodson said the community day, which also celebrated the plant's 70th anniversary, raised £5,000, including a donation from Heidelberg Materials.

"We have split it equally between our nominated charities, the Wales Air Ambulance and Action for Children, and they are delighted," said Jo, part of a five-strong organising team.

The six-hour summer event, which was opened by the Mayor of Buckley, included live music, dancers, a climbing wall, fairground rides, a raffle with prizes donated by local suppliers and businesses, and a host of stalls and exhibits.

"We received fantastic feedback. The tours were so popular we are considering offering them on a number of evenings in 2020," said Jo.

Padeswood open day 2019.

Padeswood open day 2019.

Padeswood open day 2019.