Batts Combe Christmas colouring competition

Congratulations to Cheddar First School pupil Theo, who won our Christmas colouring competition and the honour of switching on the star above our Batts Combe quarry.

We invited children aged from 4 to 9 from Axbridge, Cheddar and Draycott First Schools to take part in the competition. We received more than 250 entries, which were judged by Batts Combe unit manager Simon Parkes, senior landscape architect Alex Hemmings, territory sales manager Beki Devine and area clerk Michelle Beasley.

Theo’s picture was chosen as the overall winner, and he received a set of colouring pencils from production supervisor Shaun Hartland as well as visiting the quarry with his family to switch on the Christmas star.

“Each year the colouring competition gets harder to judge as the standard is extremely high,” said Simon Parkes.

“The star has become a local talking point, which is enjoyed by many, and Theo was delighted to be the one to switch it on this year.”